Do you have questions about Exploration Field Trips? Contact Claire Douglas, Education Programs Coordinator
PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to accommodate Field Trips and large groups during Thanksgiving week, BVSD Winter Break, or BVSD Spring Break.
Exploration Field Trips
Exploration classes are 30 minutes long, serve 12-15 students at a time, are held during your two-hour self-guided field trip, and are facilitated by Museum Education staff. If your group will have more than 15 students, they will be divided into smaller groups to take turns in the class. Exploration Field Trips can be accommodated to fit most needs.
Our hands-on experiences are highly engaging, emphasizing exploration over explanation. Savvy teachers use our programs to introduce a new topic rather than as a culminating event after studying that unit. Many of our explorations complement a specific exhibit to extend the learning experience. Collaborative work and peer-to-peer learning are encouraged. Activities support auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. For a complete list of topics and details, please check out the list below.
Click below to fill out a reservation form and schedule an Exploration Field Trip!
Questions? Contact Claire Douglas, Community Engagement Specialist for more information.
Field Trip Rates & Information:
Number of Students
Basic Field Trip With Exploration
Play for All Field Trip With Exploration
10-30 (T, Th, F)
$10.00 per child
$7.00 per child
31-45 (Mondays only)
$11.00 per child
$8.00 per child
Exploration Field Trip Policies & Payment:
- Exploration classes are scheduled as part of a field trip.
- Field trips and Exploration classes are available based on availability.
- Two weeks advance reservations required.
- WOW! requires 1 adult supervisor for every 8 children. Adults are required to actively supervise all children in your field group during your Museum visit.
- Accompanying adult supervisors and chaperones are free within our 1 adult per every 8 child guidelines. Adults over our recommended ratio of 1 adult per every 5 children, will be charged an entry fee.
- Growing Friendship programs will have a flat $25 materials charge. Night Life programs will have an additional $3 per student materials charge.
- Discounted rates may be available depending on your group’s needs.
- WOW! Children’s Museum accepts cash, check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
Exploration Topics:
Magical Magnets
Physical Science
Age 3 to 5 yrs (Pre-K)
Investigate the magical push and pull of magnetism in this station-based class. WOW! is grateful for support from LEAP into Science, a science and literacy program developed by The Franklin Institute and the Free Library of Philadelphia with support from the National Science Foundation.
Students will:
Explore the physical science concept of magnetism.
Manipulate magnets and use them to determine whether other items are, or are not, attracted to magnets.
Discuss and explore how scientists observe with their senses.
Romping Stomping Dinosaurs
Life Science, Mathematics
Age 3 to 1st Grade
Little learners practice counting and comparing. Hold Spike, our baby Stegosaurus, compare your foot to big and small dinosaur tracks, and pack a dinosaur’s lunchbox!
Students will:
Explore math concepts such as counting, comparison, and measurement with standard and non-standard units.
Explore life science concepts such as characteristics of herbivores and carnivores.
Manipulate objects to count, compare, and measure them.
Balance and Motion
Physical Science
Age 3 to 3rd Grade
Explore the world of things that spin, roll, balance, and move. Stack and balance materials, learn what influences the speeds of cars on a ramp, and complete a balance & motion challenge with teamwork.
Click here for information about our Make It Go! exhibit
Students will:
Explore physical science concepts of balance and motion.
Manipulate objects by making them spin, roll, balance, and move.
Growing Friendship
Emotional and Social Wellness; Oral Expression and Listening; Earth Science; Life Science; Empathy and Kindness
Grades K-2nd
What do all living things need to grow? Water, sun, and food of course! But there are other things living things need. Like kindness, generosity, and friendship. We’ll practice these concepts together by growing a friendship flower. Each child will receive their own kit of seeds, soil, and planter and as a class we’ll give our seedlings the things they need to grow. Students will also learn about body language and communication by performing a Bee Waggle Dance. We will nurture our seeds to help them grow, just as we nurture our friends to help them grow too!
Students will:
Practice kindness and empathy
Practice the concept that all living things have needs for their successful growth
Plant seeds
Practice body language and communication
Growing Friendship will have a $25 materials charge.
Slime and Ooze
Physical Science
Grades K-3rd
Identify the characteristics of solids and liquids. Make your own slime to keep, and use it to explain the differences between a liquid and a solid. In the spirit of inquiry, the final product is intentionally ambiguous and encourages students to ask questions instead of just providing a “right answer”: their slime may behave as a liquid, a solid, or both depending on how aggressively they mixed it and how we test its behavior.
Students will:
Explore the physical science concepts behind two states of matter: liquid and solid.
Manipulate liquid and solid objects.
Create slime and determine whether it is liquid or solid.
Shape, Dimension, and Geometric Relationships; Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability; Oral Expression and Listening; Research and Reasoning
Grades K-4th
Look around you, what is the first thing you notice? Maybe a wall or a door? Perhaps pipes and beams? All of these items were put together by masterful engineers! Come join us at WOW! Children’s Museum to create your own feats of engineering! We’ll use our giant Rigamajig set and a team of friends to create different structures.
Students will:
Explore gears, pulleys, and planks to create a structure
Work in teams to explore their creativity
Practice fine and gross motor movements
Night Life
Life Science
Grades 3rd-5th
Investigate the lives and adaptations of nocturnal animals by studying the ways they move and their eating habits. Then check out our Forest of Light exhibit to learn more about the habitats of these animals.
Students will:
Dissect an owl pellet to find out what owls eat
Play an echolocation game to discover how bats find their prey at night
Create a nocturnal animal craft to take home
Night Life programs will have an additional $3 per student materials charge.